Bloodborne Pathogens

Disposal of Biohazards on EMS scenes

Infection Central | BBP1 Overview | BBP2A Spread | BBP2B Not Spread | BBP3A HIV | BBP3B HIV SnS | BBP4A Hepatitis | BBP4B Hep ABCD | BBP4C HepB | BBP4D Hep C | BBP4 Hep Others | BBP Other vector | BBP Quiz | BBP Prev1 gen | BBP Prev2 PPE | BBP Prev3 wash | BBP Prev4 sharps | BBP Prev5 Bags | BBP Prev6 Gloves | BBP Prev7 Disp on scene | BBP Prev8 Station disp

Attempt to collect and dispose of biohazards in time to be taken with the EMS unit. EMS scenes may require time to clean up after the ambulance has already began transporting the patient.

Any member assisting with cleanup should wear appropriate PPE. Do not leave potentially infectious items for the others in the household or on scene to be exposed to.

Dispose of needles in sharp's containers and bandages or other items in a properly marked bag.
